About Us
Introducing the Hastings District Masonic Trust
The Hastings District Masonic Trust is a local charitable provider of aged care accommodation for independent people. The Trust has built seven villages in the Heretaunga area since its formation over 50 years ago.
We are proud to provide sound units and great care for its older residents and, at the same time, contribute to Hawke’s Bay communities.
All villages owned by the Trust operate on charitable principles. Our aim is to operate on a break-even basis without the need to generate profits.
The units are built so that residents may find this a more affordable option than owning their own property, whilst also providing for their future economic well-being. We take pride in knowing that each of their villages allow residents an affordable option to retire in Hawke’s Bay, with independence and security, while being close to family and friends. Members of the Retirement Villages Association. Residents’ interests protected by the appointment of an independent Statutory Supervisor.
While the primary objective of the the trust was develop and manage retirement villages, we also provide care and support services as appropriate for the elderly, ill or disabled. The Trust is also available to assist the community by supporting or promoting projects or research. We also raise and apply funds for charitable causes including the relief of poverty and advancing education, along with many other endeavours to benefit the community.
Our Focus
The Trust’s focus is varied and not restricted to providing homes for the retired. Each year the Trust sets aside income from funds received through various bequests, for charitable aspects of the Trust’s deed. Our trustees are especially interested in assisting children, young adults and adults with disabilities.
Individuals or organisations in Hawke’s Bay are eligible for funding to support those with disabilities in cases where funding cannot be achieved through Governmental sources. These may include funds required to attend specific camps or courses, personal aid equipment, travel funding to specific destinations or assistance to enhance the enjoyment of life.

Incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957
The Hastings District Masonic Trust Inc was established on the 18 March 1965 by Freemasons within the wider Hawke’s Bay Area from the Hastings City boundary to the North to the southern boundary of Waipukurau.
(a) For the purpose of acquiring, developing, owning, managing and operating retirement villages for elderly people.
(b) To develop and provide care, services and support appropriate to the needs of elderly, ill or disabled persons.
(c) To promote, assist or aid any project or research for the medical needs of the community.
(d) To raise funds or apply funds for any of the above purposes or any other purpose which under the law of New Zealand is charitable including the relief of poverty, the advancement of education or any other object or purpose beneficial to the community.
The trustees have, since the Trust’s inception, accumulated funds and received bequests from various people.
The trustees have resolved to set aside from the income of these funds in each year, amounts that fulfil the charitable aspects of the Trust’s deed. The trustees are especially interested in assisting children, young adults and adults with disabilities.
One of the Trust’s major strengths is its flexibility to approve or decline any application. Each application is judged on its own merits. Each application will be given full consideration without prejudice or bias. Submission of an application does not guarantee funding.
Decisions made by the Trust are at the discretions of the “Trustees” and no correspondence or further discussions following a donation decision will be entered into. It is expected that donations will be used within 12 months following approval unless special permission is given to extend this period.
The level of income and availability of funds of the Trust will always have a bearing on any decision. It is important to note that a previous donation from the Trust does not guarantee that you as an individual or your organisation will receive future funding.
As a charitable Trust funds dispersed are considered a donation, therefore GST is excluded on any donation received by applicant. The Trust would welcome receiving a report on the funds donated and reserves the option to publicise any donation it makes.
The Hastings District Masonic Trust Inc is registered by the New Zealand Charities Commission under the Charities Act 2005. (Registration number CC23949)
The criteria for eligibility of applicants are to fund individuals or organisations in Hawke’s Bay that support persons with Disabilities in cases that funding cannot be achieved through Governmental sources. This may include funds required to attend specific camps or courses, personal aid equipment, travel funding to specific destinations or assistance to enhance the enjoyment of life.