Masonic accommodation is available to anyone over the age of fifty five (55) years, irrespective of race, creed or belief or any Masonic affiliation. The ability to look after oneself being the principal criteria.
Hastings District Masonic Properties Limited (“Operator”) retains ownership of the Unit.
Residents are required to pay a Capital Contribution to the Operator in return for the right to occupy the Unit as well as a weekly service charge to cover rates, building insurance, maintenance and administrative costs etc. The service charge is payable monthly in advance by automatic payment.
Once a Unit becomes available you will be provided with an Occupation Right Agreement and Disclosure Statement setting out the full details of the Village and the right to occupy.
A deposit of up to 10% will be required and monthly service charge payable to hold a unit until full contribution funds are paid if a Unit becomes available and you wish to procure it, but need to sell your house or obtain funds for a maximum of three months (or at the Trust’s discretion).
Contributions are guaranteed to be refunded within nine months or sooner if the Unit has sold and the service charge will continue until the Unit is sold. The service charge reduces by 50% after six months.
There is a Site Management Fee of 15% over five years payable on the vacating of the Unit and termination of the Occupational Rights Agreement (ie .25% per month over 60 months to a maximum of 15%).
It is a legal requirement under the Retirement Villages Act 2003 that a Solicitor is required to inform any new prospective resident of their rights and obligations before entering into an Occupation Rights Agreement and to provide a declaration that they have completed this.
Residents are responsible for paying their own telephone and electricity charges and for insuring their own furniture and chattels.
Residents are forbidden to assign or sublet the Unit or any part of the Village or to use their Unit for non-residential purposes.
Residents may not make or permit to make any alterations or additions to their Unit or mark or injure the surfaces without the prior written consent of the Operator.
Residents may not erect or permit erection of any structure in the ground surrounding their Unit without the prior written consent of the Operator.
Residents are forbidden to keep any animals or birdlife in or around their Unit without the prior written consent of the Operator. Failure to comply with this clause may result in the Operator requiring the resident to remove such animals or birdlife. Permitted existing animals are not to be replaced.
Residents are not permitted to create a nuisance or otherwise disturb the quiet enjoyment by the occupiers of other premises owned by the Operator.
The Resident will during the Occupancy to the satisfaction of the Operator keep and maintain the gardens and grounds immediately surrounding the Unit in a neat and tidy condition. Main lawns and village gardens are maintained by the Operator.